Why you should not do cold plunges if you have painful periods
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) interprets the human body as a balance of warmth (yang) and cool (yin) that creates balance within the tissues and fluids. Deficiency of yang (warmth) is most associated with adverse menstrual changes including endometriosis and infertility. A condition called "cold uterus" results from abnormal accumulation of cold in the uterine area which restricts the flow of qi (energy) and blood, creating an unsafe environment for a fetus, as warmth is necessary for the creation of life (you can't cook a bun in the oven if it's not warm).
1) Free flow of blood
Blood circulates easily when it is warm. Research has shown that better blood flow to the uterus is associated with higher pregnancy outcomes. On the other hand, cold can damage the uterus by decreasing its blood supply. Coldness will cause blood flow to slow down, which in turn leads to painful periods, clots in menstrual blood, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis. All of these are associated with decreased fertility.
2) Progesterone
The "cold uterus " is synonymous with a deficiency in progesterone, a warming hormone, necessary for fertility and balanced menstrual symptoms. Western and Integrative Medicine recognizes that when a women's progesterone does not rise as expected during the luteal phase, symptoms of PMS are often profound, resulting in a significant change in mood, pain, sleep, heavy menstruation, and decreased energy levels.
When there is a prolonged imbalance of the ratio of estrogen to progesterone, we refer to this as estrogen dominance. This can result in tissue changes including endometriosis or uterine fibroids.
3) Symptoms
Symptoms of a cold uterus can include:
Painful periods
Dark red menstrual blood with clots
Cold hands and feet
Low back pain
Uterine fibroids
4) Causes
What causes a cold uterus and infertility?
Consuming cold foods and iced beverages cause the body to cool down, which slows blood flow and contributes to cold in the uterus. This is especially true during the winter months.
If your feet get cold, it chills the blood circulating through your feet. That cold blood travels up your legs and into your abdomen and uterus, chilling the uterus as well.
5) Treatment
Consume warm food and beverages
Drink warm beverages such as ginger tea or hot water with lemon
Eat warm foods - soups and stews
Keep cold and raw foods to a minimum
Avoid iced beverages
Keep your feet warm o Wear warm socks and shoes
Have cozy slippers at home o Wear socks to bed
Take warm foot baths
Use a heating pads or hot water bottle on your lower abdomen anytime there is pain or you feel cold
Get regular acupuncture!
Take Chinese medicinal herbs